Dear Friends,
Thanksgiving in America is a day of reflection. Even in times of pandemic and loss, we are the most blessed people on the planet. That sense of abundance in Americans is the key to the greatest generosity ever in human history.
Writing you today, portions of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador have been devastated. The San Pedro Sula, Honduras Bible Institute has become a shelter for scores of people. The Yucatan and Tabasco regions of Mexico have been severely flooded. People like you have responded with generous offerings to help in the crisis.
We are thankful for:
Carlos and Annie Guerra, Argentine Missionaries working in Honduras. Their church has prepared 600 meals daily to feed displaced believers at the Bible Institute.
Fernando Figueroa, a national leader in Mexico. He has mobilized many people to collect food and supplies to send to the affected areas.
Roberto Brenes, our capable Central America ISUM Rep. He has helped channel funds to an area of Guatemala that suffered catastrophic damage.
Vikki Martinez is a single lady missionary from El Salvador. Your offerings have beautifully equipped her neighborhood kitchen in Venezuela that feeds hundreds each week. She also has a powerfully effective ministry that disciples scores of people involved in the outreach.
Linbert and Marisol Duran are Bolivian Missionaries. They’ve built a small farming operation with your help in a predominantly Muslim area of Burkina Fasso! They’ve won a hundred people to the Lord is what is considered a region of incredible resistance.
Miguel and Flor Gomez finished a new building and parsonage in the Chol-speaking Chiapas Region of Mexico. Your offerings and direct help have reached many Mayans living there.
Samuel and Sandra Gutierrez in Quito, Ecuador requested help. They’re sponsoring a Christmas outreach to four villages along a river in the Amazon basin. Every child will receive a gift and each village will have a Gospel presentation on the significance of the birth of Christ. We sent $1,0000. We hope to fund hundreds more kids in the next couple of weeks.
We’re thankful … for you! Your faithful partnership is bringing Light and Life. It matters!
Global Outreach/Mike & Mona Ministries
320 S. Flamingo Road Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 goye777@gmail.com