“I know you!
My life changed the day you preached in our church!”
I took a seat next to a woman on a bus in Havana, Cuba and stared at her in amazement. The lady introduced herself and told me the story of my visit to the Guanabacoa Maranatha Church a few years ago.
She and her husband had drifted away from God. But someone invited them to church the day I visited. On that day, God spoke to her entire family! She enthusiastically told me how she, her husband and her three children came to the altar and recommitted their lives to the Lord. Today they’re serving God in various ministries and have found new hope and purpose for their lives! My heart was so moved. Who could have known that encounter would ever take place in a country as isolated and dark as Cuba?
We have traveled to five countries preaching to thousands, and teaching hundreds of pastors and wives in our ISUM Seminars and national and regional events. This has been a year of harvest and spiritual influence as we’ve rarely ever experienced. And all along the way you have helped us through prayer and providing funds for local church construction, for equipment, clothing, books, for bikes, medical help, and scholarships for young people feeling called to study for a life of ministry.
This past Sunday I spoke to over 10,000 people in the Altiplano of La Paz, Bolivia which is about 14,000 feet above sea level! What a great Pentecost Celebration with hundreds of pastors and wives and the Coliseum packed to the rafters as I preached on living in the Presence of the Power of the Spirit. A huge crowd responded to the altar appeal and crowded the platform for prayer. I can honestly say the experience was…breathtaking!
We have endeavored to make an impact on people in many countries for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. People who have nothing, people in crisis, the sick, the downhearted. Your prayers and partnership are changing destiny, and we love you for it.